2010年度 Language Learners Literature Award(語学学習者文学賞)

Language Learners Literature Award

このページでは、2010年度のLanguage Learners Literature Award(語学学習者文学賞)の受賞作とファイナリスト作品を掲載しています。多読本の選択の参考にどうぞ。2010年もカテゴリーは5部門あり、カテゴリーごとにファイナリスト作品が3作品選ばれ、そこから受賞作が1作選ばれています。

Young Learners

The Magic Brocade: Elementary 3: 400-word Vocabulary (Classic Tales)

The Magic Brocade

by Sue Arengo. Illustrated by Nancy Lane (Oxford University Press), ISBN: 978-0-1942-2561-8



Adolescent & Adult: Beginner

The Winning Shot

The Winning Shot

by Sue Murray (ILTS & Hueber Verlag), ISBN: 978-3-19-242976-7




Adolescent & Adult: Elementary

Titanic (Factfiles: Oxford Bookworms Library, Stage 1)

Tim Vicary (Oxford University Press), ISBN: 978-0-1942-3619-5
YL 1.8  5,600語




Adolescent & Adult: Intermediate

Michael Jackson: The Man, the Music, the Mystery (Scholastic Readers)

Michael Jackson: The Man, The Music, The Mystery
By Vicky Shipton (Mary Glasgow Magazines / Scholastic), ISBN: 978-1-9057-7582-8
YL:4.5 語数:9,365語





Adolescent & Adult: Upper Intermediate & Advanced

The Best of Times? Level 6 Advanced Book with Audio CDs (3) (Cambridge English Readers)

The Best of Times?
Alan Maley (Cambridge University Press), ISBN: 978-0-5217-3546-9





Book list Finalist of the 2010 LLL awards

Finalist of the 2010
Young Learners

by Sue Arengo. Illustrated by Damian Ward. (Oxford University Press), ISBN: 978-0-1942-2562-5

This is a version of the classic tale that kids, especially the naughty ones, can relate to. Pinocchio wants to be a good boy, but at the same time, he wants to take initiative and to have adventures. Also, being different from other kids, Pinocchio is sometimes picked on and taken advantage of. Fortunately, through it all, his father and another adult are there for him, and, in the end, he rewards their patience and kindness.

Para-Life Rescue!
Series editor: Rob Waring, Contributing writer: Sue Leather, Footprint Reading Library (Heinle Cengage), ISBN: 978-1-4240-2232-8

It is a non-fiction book about how brave, dedicated people use paragliders to save the lives of swimmers at beaches around the world who are in danger of drowning. The book is clean, professional, interesting, and educational as well as accessibly written and aptly illustrated with photographs. Furthermore, the accompanying CD, with English subtitles, adds a listening element and enhances comprehensibility.
Adolescent & Adult: Beginner

by Margaret Johnson (Cambridge University Press), ISBN: 978-8-4832-3513-3

It has a story line that kept us reading to see what might happen, even though we thought we might already have guessed the ending. We like the illustrations and the look of the book.

Storm Hawks
adapted by Helen Parker (Scholastic), ISBN: 978-1-9057-7538-5

It’s a good old rip-roaring adventure story—a sci-fi story for teenagers that brings out teenage themes well. It appeals to both boys and girls and the visuals are nicely done.
Adolescent & Adult: Elementary

The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgson Burnett, adapted by Elizabeth Ann Moore (Black Cat), ISBN: 978-8-8530-0843-5

This version of the story takes this enduring children’s classic at a lower language level than earlier ELT adaptations. The task of adapting a classic to a present-tense only narrative is a major one, and this succeeds. The themes of unhappy childhood, prejudice and family relationships are a constant. Characterisation survives the low language level. The illustration is generally superb and the publishers are to be commended for listing the structural criteria for the level in an appendix, an example others could follow. It was considered young in appeal and presentation, but in the end it was felt that older learners could enjoy the story.

Number the Stars
Lois Lowry. adapted by Edward Broadbridge (Easy Readers), ISBN: 978-8-7239-0713-4

This original story covers a difficult topic, especially if you know little about World War Two and the holocaust. This is what makes the story especially welcome. It may bring to young generations of readers some knowledge of events which should never be forgotten. It is at the same time extremely relevant in our multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, religiously diverse societies. The issues are dealt with from the perspective of a young person, which reduces the heaviness without trivialising it. The narrative flow is excellent and the original plot stands up with native speaker literature for interest value.
Adolescent & Adult: Intermediate

The Mind Map
By David Morrison (Cambridge University Press), ISBN: 978-8-4832-3540-9

A gripping story. It has a good fast-moving plot and is well- written. The story has action, magic and love all in a strong local setting.

Playing with Fire: Stories from the Pacific Rim
Retold by Jennifer Bassett (Oxford University Press), ISBN: 978-0-1947-9284-4

The stories are all very strong, hard-hitting and well expressed. Excellent use of illustrations by local illustrators.
Adolescent & Adult: Upper Intermediate & Advanced

The Kalahari Typing School for Men
Alexander McCall Smith, retold by Annette Keen. (Pearson Longman), ISBN: 978-1-4082-0891-5

This has an excellent plot that keeps the reader involved. The re-telling is well-done.

Safe House
James Heneghan, adapted by Philip Hewitt (Easy Readers), ISBN: 978-8-7239-0631-1

A good story with a plot that is exciting.




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