マクミラン・リーダーズ Macmillan Readers Level 7: literature collection

マクミラン・リーダーズ Macmillan Readers Level 7: literature collection

starter | beginner | elementary | pre-intermediate | intermediate | upper-intermediate | literature collection

マクミラン・リーダーズ Level 7: literature collectionのリストです。
Level 7はオリジナルの言葉のまま掲載されています。古典作品を中心にジャンルごとに短編が収録されています。
難易度目安:語数制限:3000語以上 TOEIC:600点~ 英検:1級

literature Collections: Adventure Stories
冒険小説というジャンルの中で様々な文学的アプローチを探究した5作品を収録。 極寒の地、ユーコンでもがきながらも生き延びた男の話から、制御不能となった戦艦の大砲が乗員全員の命を脅かす話まで、世界中の冒険小説ファンを夢中にさせ、大いに楽しませてくれる作品集。

● 216ページ

Literature Collections: Crime Stories

● 208ページ

Macmillan Literature Collections: Travel Stories

● 216ページ

Macmillan Literature Collections: Twentieth-Century Stories

● 208ページ

Macmillan Literature Collections: American Stories

● 192ページ

Macmillan Literature Collections: Horror Stories
From a supernatural presence on a beach to a crazed underground beast, this collection has ghosts and spirits to frighten even the most hardened horror reader…
Includes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, M.R. James, W.W. Jacobs, Fritz Leiber and Jane Gardam.

● 184 pages

Macmillan Literature Collections: Love Stories
Classic and modern stories of love and betrayal. From the farm girl who searches for new love after a disappointing affair, to the housewife who has everything but still wants more…
Includes stories by D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Graham Greene, H.G. Wells, H.E. Bates and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

● 192 pages

Macmillan Literature Collections: Science Fiction Stories
People who can travel through time and space; two boys who can make themselves invisible; and the story of the first human ‘teletransporter.’ This collection contains a variety of stories to entertain science fiction fans everywhere.
Includes stories by Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Stanley Weinbaum, Arthur C. Clarke and Jack London.

● 200 pages

Macmillan Literature Collections: Mystery Stories
This collection brings together stories which explore mystery in all its forms. From psychological mysteries to mysteries of the heart, from strange phenomena to good old-fashioned detective puzzles, there is sure to be a story here to enthral every reader of mystery.

● 208 pages
● 28092 words in length

Macmillan Literature Collections: World Stories
This collection brings together six stories from six different countries (India, Argentina, Russia, New Zealand, Sudan and Australia). They tell the tales of families and individuals, of love, loss and struggles against adversity. Their universal themes are coloured by the culture and society of the countries they describe.

● 192 pages
● 28624 words in length

starter | beginner | elementary | pre-intermediate | intermediate | upper-intermediate | literature collection





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